CUBISCAN 325(เครื่องวัดขนาดลูกบาศก์แบบคงที่)

Length: 49 in (125 cm)
Width: 38 in (97 cm)
Height: 38 in (97 cm)
Weight: 173 lb (78.5 kg)


The Cubiscan® 325 was built to take the Cubiscan 25 to a larger measurement capacity.
Although the Cubiscan 325 can measure boxed items, its primary strength is dimensioning
unboxed, irregular items with high accuracy. Designed specifically to measure and weigh
medium-sized, boxed, and unboxed SKU’s for distribution, packaging, and warehousing
applications, the CS 325 is fast becoming one of our most popular and highly-requested
products of the past decade.

– Complete mobility (battery included) means easy access and use in warehouse aisles
– Extremely accurate data enhances the ability for on-demand, box-making applications
– Compression feature greatly enhances accuracy when measuring apparel
– Easy-glide gate makes for quick and effortless measurements

Length: 49 in (125 cm)
Width: 38 in (97 cm)
Height: 38 in (97 cm)
Weight: 173 lb (78.5 kg)